Saturday, October 17, 2009

Just some tragic yet hopeful thoughts.

So my computer freaked out in the middle of my other post. Oh well. I don't really remember anything else exciting and fun happening.
One thing that happened that was really sad was my Uncle and one of my cousin's little girl was killed. Not at the same time, they happened on a Monday and a Tuesday. Liberty (my cousin's daughter on my Dad's side) was 18 months. She got backed over by a sixteen year old. Can you imagine being that 16 year old girl and knowing you just ran over a little girl. It was a complete and total accident. I never want to go through that. It's made me realize how easily something like that could happen.
The next day we got a phone call from my mom's sister-in-law saying that my uncle had been killed in a head on collision with an 18 year old. I went to school with him, graduated with him, did theatre once or twice with him. It wasn't his fault, it wasn't my uncle's fault. It just happened. I can't even imagine nor do I want to imagine the pain of losing a Father. When my Dad had his double by-pass during Christmas time two years ago I thought about that often. What would I do if something went wrong in the surgery or what if he hadn't gone into the doctor in time. I could have lost him and just the thought was terrifying. I can't imagine it actually happening. Yet it does. To people all over the world.
Today I learned that a girl just older than me was killed in a wreck. She was young, vibrant, married and expecting their first child. It is devastating.
However, am I so glad that I know that families can be together forever. That once again we will be able to see our family members.
Well, I just wanted to share some thoughts that were on my mind.

Friday, October 16, 2009

A Continuation...

So to continue from last time.... Other exciting things that happened this summer: MY SISTER CAME HOME!!!! Amber was on a mission in Germany/Austria and she came home in June. Then we worked on the 6th floor of Flying J together. Everyday for lunch we would make the trip down three flights of stairs to the "Executive Dining Room" (my Dad's office) for a laughter filled lunch. Sometimes we scared my Dad's employees because we would get so carried away and would start laughing so loud... I'll let you decide who was the loudest ;)
We also had our family reunion. I LOVE our family reunions!! They are so crazy and fun.

This is Jason being thrown into the Bonfire. Then Me and my cousins two little girls.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Finally a new update

Me as a Fish (I'm in yellow:))

Crazy Nubian Girls
Exotic Dancer
Well, I guess it's been a little while since I last wrote. Oops :) So I guess I'll update, and maybe attempt to put up some pictures, which apparently felt the need to come first.
First I did get my braces off! I even got them off a week early! So after Aida last year where I was an exotic dancer/nubian, we had a dance concert where I was a fish and 'blooped around the stage' it was lots of fun.

Then I finished my first year of college!!! Yay! And I moved home for the summer and worked a Flying J. I got to talk to truckers who either hit on me or yelled at me. I loved it. Summer was a crazy time where lots of things happened. My cousins from Texas came and we had some crazy adventures.... Like rock climbing. Me rock climbing... It was pretty awesome.

I also got to go up to Nampa, ID to spend time with friends from school. It was so much fun!! Of course we had crazy adventures like going to Target and taking pictures, jumping on the tramp and taking pictures, eating lunch... and you guessed it taking pictures. Here are a few examples:

This is my "Senior Picture" Taylor's family has a ton of random sports equipment, so we took senior pictures with them.

This is at Target.... I'm French, Taylor is German

Crazy High School Musical Jump! We were on a trampoline, but it's still cool:)

Uh... We're theatre kids, need I say more?

There is so much more to write.... Like our family reunion. My sister coming home from her mission, my life at school up to this point... However I will have to finish after my homework, but I will finish. I'm determined to get this blogging thing down.