Monday, March 22, 2010


Because I'm bored and weird.... Here are some raptor pictures :) these aren't all of them.... but there's a few.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

My newest goal!

So I find it interesting how life works out sometimes and how when you think life couldn't get harder and you don't understand the things that are going on the Lord steps in and shows you that you are not alone. The night of my last post.... well let's start a little earlier. Monday March 1st as has been previously stated I received a concussion. Then Tuesday night a close friend of mine was very kind and exercised his amazing Priesthood power and gave me a blessing. The blessing filled me with peace and comfort and I knew things would be okay. Then the next day he took me to the doctor. The doctor told me that I couldn't dance until all my symptoms were gone... and that those could last weeks he said. I was feeling discouraged and frustrated. Then Thursday night I was informed that I wouldn't be dancing any of the part of the dance that I so desperately wanted to be in. I was angry, discouraged, upset, and confused, as you could probably tell in my last post. I questioned God about many things that night in my prayers... and then I opened up my scriptures. I opened them to Alma chapter 26. This is the the chapter heading:
"....The faithful are strengthened by the Lord and are given knowledge... God has all power and comprehendeth all things."
I read that and just started to cry again. I knew that I had been unfair and that I needed to have faith in the Lord. He knows me and does care. The next day I was informed that I could do the third section of the dance. I was ecstatic and was reminded again of the Lord's love for me as an individual.
I've also noticed something else... I've been rather negative lately. If I truly believe that God is my Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ is my brother and loved me enough to die so that I could return to Them... and if I truly believe that they know me and everything I do and how I feel at all moments of my life.... shouldn't I be one of the happiest people ever? I know that we all have trials and that there are times when we feel so alone that we think we have been abandoned... But we are NEVER alone and They will never abandon us. It is we who abandon Them. I know that They know how I feel and with that knowledge I have decided to be a happier person. I have decided to look at the bright side of life, and to be more positive. Shouldn't I be? I want to smile and show my testimony through not just my words but through my attitude towards life. So my newest goal? Love life more and enjoy it to its fullest. Don't let the hard things get me down, I have too much to be grateful for!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Oh the Frustrations of Dance...

So this is going to be my pity-party blog..... It's sad really because lately I've been super annoyed by people who are attention hungry and pity seekers.... So know that I'm not searching for pity, I'm just venting. So as I stated in my last blog I recently received a concussion while rolling off the back of my dance partner, well all I've been doing since Monday is sleeping and making brownies. When I'm upset I make food... I would make my everything kitchen if possible, that's why I have roommates. Anyway, I had resigned myself to thinking that I wouldn't be able to dance in Reeds, which is the dance that I received my concussion doing, this weekend, but while we are on tour I would dance it. Well, today I was informed that I am no longer in the dance, another girl is taking my spot. I understand that the reason for doing this is so that I will not get hurt again, but just because I know the reason I'm no longer in the dance doesn't make it any easier to not be in it. It is a beautiful dance choreographed in honor of our amazing dance professor's son who died some years back. It is her last year and I really wanted to dance it.... and now I won't. Sometimes it makes me wonder why I was given the talent to dance. I'm not super good, but I can learn fast. I love to dance and feel like it is a way to get all of my frustrations out, but every time I'm given the opportunity to really dance and grow, I get hurt in some way. It's really frustrating and then I can't dance to let out all of the frustrations so it all builds up inside of me and then I have the desire to take all of them out on other people.... and that's not so good. I had been planning on minoring in dance and then I could teach dance in the future... however, now I'm not so sure. I want to, but I just get so frustrated... maybe I was never meant to really dance, and that's a hard pill to swallow. I guess we'll see what happens. This is kind of a bunch of random thoughts put together, but I had to get some of these frustrations out. Here's a link to a clip of what I'm supposed to be doing.!/video/video.php?v=295204323778&subj=611947811

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

My most recent adventure :(

So my most recent adventure doesn't have any pictures, although I wish it did because the situation is going to be kind of hard to explain.... We are in the middle of preparing for our dance concert this week.... okay I guess we're really at the end of preparing because we open tonight, anyway I'm in two dances. The first one is called Reeds and is a beautiful piece. In it there is a moment that we call the dragonfly. The boy squats down with a flat back and arms out and the girl lays on their stomachs on the boys back. Well to get out of this lift, the girls are supposed to somersault off of the boys backs. I got stuck on Tim, my partner, and so to get me off pushed myself a little harder, rolled off, but didn't catch myself properly and so I slammed the back of my head onto the floor, giving myself a minor concussion..... awesome. So yesterday and today are my not go to class and sleep all day, kind of days. Even if I wanted to go to class my roommates and other friends won't let me. I'm lucky I got out of the apartment at all yesterday :), But that's why I love them. Well.... this was random but I just thought I'd write about it. But here's a random picture anyway that has nothing to do with this story :) My roommate Sierra and I made awesome rainbow cupcakes a couple weeks ago.... This is the inside of one :)